Friday, January 25, 2008

Too much

Don't Forget The Lyrics: So it's time again for another wonderful season of DFTL. This is our 3rd season, and has been going well right up to the point during install, that my cough and generally feeling shitty took a turn for the worse. I'm not usually one to complain too much about being sick, since I typically just power through it and deal. But I was really not doing well, but was still on my standard machismo mindset of just get through this week and you'll be fine. Well the LD came in and saw me laying on the couch all jacked up on cold medicine and sent me home. This is the first time I've been sent home from work in about 10 years. Not cool. So I went straight to the ER: thinking if I'm bad enough to miss work then I need to see a Doctor. I hate going to the doctor, I'm not afraid of anything, I just hate the whole process of waiting and there's always that smell, of wretch. Any way since I couldn't get in to see my doctor and didn't have a day off for another 10 days, the ER was the only choice. After waiting about an hour and a half, I finally got in to see the nurse. Another hour later I got to see the doctor, who upon hearing my breathing sent me straight to radiology for chest Xrays. Long story short I had fluid in my lungs and a really bad case of bronchitis. He prescribed a healthy dose of antibiotics, and a few days of bed rest. Well at least half that was going to happen. The Past 4 days of work have been pretty brutal. Averaging about 16 hour days, with short turn around. And before you yell at me for not taking the time off work, I did actually try and see if anyone was available to cover me, but no luck. It's just too f'ing busy right now and a severe lack of trusted programmers. Oh well, this season of DFTL is about to wrap up mid next week, and thankfully I have this weekend off to catch up on some rest. Just in time to start up the next show. I'm taking over the new Fox show "Moment of Truth". I didn't catch the premier this last Wednesday, but the show retained 82 percent of the Idol lead in, witch is some really huge numbers for a debuting game show. Plus the buzz from the crew is that it's a pretty amazing show. So that should be fun. So between that and the other show that starts up in Feb. that will be talked about later, it shaping up like a very busy month. Which is good that means that the house isn't too far away. Anyway back to work

Friday, December 7, 2007

First post

So I've decided to start a blog for myself. I don't know how often I'll update it or even use at all, but I'm sitting here at wok since noon and it's now 230 and have yet to do anything so why not. I imagine this just be a way to vent and get things off my chest about work, life, and in general random things that happen to me in general. So the things that are on my mind right now:

Work the past few months has been incredibly busy, days off are few and far between. Don't get me wrong this is what I signed up for, but it is starting to effect my personal life. I have some of the best friends anyone could ask for, incredibly loyal and caring. However in addition to my work I have been going through some personal shit with my mothers health. This is too long of a story to get into on this blog, it's a story for another day. Regardless, I have been in a funk lately. All I really want to do is go home after work and enjoy a bottle of wine, and veg in front of the TV. This has led to a few cancellations on friends. I have tried to tell them it has nothing to do with any one imparticular, just that I havn't felt like going out. That and work causing even more cancellations is understandably frustrating. So to those that have felt that way, I do apologise and will make efforts to correct.

Secondly, this show I am working on right now is quite boring. I have taken over the show from a peer that did the show last season. He and I have rather different programming styles and having to transfer his show with different types of fixtures was frustrating. That combined with the fact the LD wanted to show to look exactly like the previous version means that I have to use the existing cue data. Suck. Anyway we are now in shooting mode so the days are long and boring. You know the saying- Second verse same as the first. Well this is like 15th verse same as the first. I mean really, how long can watching people play counter strike be entertaining. I enjoyed back in the day getting together with a bunch of guys and blowing each other up, but sitting here watching other people do it........ enough already. Regardless, it all pays the same. Considering the amount of people that I know that are out of work due to the writers strike, I don't like to complain about work, but then it's what we do.

Well that has to be it, since they just called cameras to headset, it looks like we might actually do something. Yeah.